Everyone loves trees, so getting them the very best start at the time planting is a fantastic application for biochar.
Dig the planting hole and break up the soil in a circular area according to tree species instructions. Mix 10-15% by volume of biochar into the removed soil before using it to back-fill the planting.
Biochar is amazing but more is not always better. Do not be tempted to add more than 20% biochar by volume as changes soil texture and can affect tree growth.
- When possible, use biochar that has been co-composted to jump start the biology and mineralization.
- Always incorporate ecto mycorrhizal fungi when available. Coat the roots generously.
- Should you not have enough biochar to mix in the back-fill soil the next best option is to add a thin biochar layer (1/2″ to 3/4″) in the base of the entire planting hole.
- Follow up later with biochar under the mulch. Incorporate 3 lbs per 10 sq ft under the drip line and watch your trees thrive!
External resources:
Stockholm Tree Pit – Utilizes 6 parts gravel, 1 part compost, 1 part biochar in a structured soil practice.
Talking Trees with Bjorn Embren